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M.S. Program
Applied Mathematics
Use mathematics to solve engineering challenges.
Stephen Chiappari, Applied Mathematics
Are you a civil engineer interested in risk-management models? Or an electrical engineer wanting to dig into the complicated mathematics of circuits? Applied Mathematics gives you the tools for a deeper analysis of your branch of engineering.
Though we don't offer a B.S. degree, our undergraduate courses will build up your quantitative skills in areas such as ordinary differential equations, numerical methods, and probability and statistics. We'll prepare you for the complexities of the work environment and graduate school.
Our Master's degree program offers courses in several areas of applied mathematics, including: applied complex analysis, applied numerical analysis, cryptology, probability, statistics, and stochastic processes. You'll work closely with our esteemed faculty members and after graduation be ideally suited to work as an industrial mathematician, actuary, researcher, consultant, engineer, and more.
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